
Showing posts from February, 2021

Physical Properties Of Minerals

 Physical Properties Of Minerals  ● It depends upon the kinds and arrangement of atoms in their crystal structure. The physical properties can be determined without the use of chemical tests. ● Ore processing make we of many physical properties of minerals. The difference in behavir between valuable and waste minerals affords the methods for their separation. 1.) Transparency:- The ease with which we can see through a mineral. A.) OPAQUE B.)TRANSPERENT C.) TRANSLUCENT 2.) Lustre:- The lustre of mineral refers of its surface appearance. This may be defined as the amount and quality of the reflection of light from the mineral surface. A.) METALLIC LUSTRE B.) NON-METALLIC LUSTRE 3.) Colour:- Colour of mineral is due to absostion of certain wavelength of dight energy by the atoms making up the crystal. The remaining wavalenghts of the light that are not absolved give the sensation of colour to the eye. It is measured with the help of spectrometer. ● metallic minerals , generally are of con

Introduction of mineral and mineral processing

  Mineral and mineral processing                        Metallurgy is the science and art of extraction metal for their ore, refining them and preparing than for use.  Mineral :- ●Naturally occurring substance of metals                              present in the earth crust are called                                    mineral.                     ● All mineral are not ore.                     ● Some minerals may contain a large % of                            metal where as others may contain only                             a small % of metal                     ● Mineral are native from in which metal                             exist. Ore:-   ● Minerals which can be used to obtain the                          metal profitably are called ore.            ● All ore are not minerals.            ● Ore contain a good % of metal.            ● Ore are mineral deposit. The useful minerals                   are called ore  Ore:- Is the mineral from which the metal is